Monday, March 26, 2012

A New Heart From A Stubborn Heart

"I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you:
 I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you
 a heart of flesh."
 (Ezekiel 36:26,11:19) (Heb.1--12,10:16-17) (Jer.31:33-34) (Rom.3:29)

Those who turn to the Lord will become a new creation!     
God is ready to receive you and cleanse you from all your impurites.
If you have been wandering and are separated from God, He is waiting for you
to return to Him so that He can breath new life into your dead spirit. Only then you
will know the Eternal God.

* Father..I pray that people may find the truth of your saving knowledge and
realize that you are the only One who can change them... That they wll not refuse your
invitation, but will open their hearts to have a new relationship with you. Help them to
overcome their struggles and their unbelief...and know that the only way they can have
 a renewed spirit within them is through your Son Jesus Christ... Amen!

Heart of Stone                                      Heart of Flesh


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