Sunday, March 18, 2012

House of Wisdom

Wisdom has built her house; she has hewn out its seven pillars.  ~ Proverbs 9:1

I decided to name my blog "Pillar's House"
Try to come up what I'm going to name my blog something that hold,
support on some kind of foundation.
Then I happened to read an interesting booklet entitled
"Godly Wisdom what Is It?"  by Frieda C. White,
(the wife of a minister, a frequent retreat and seminar speaker).
In her book, she discusses seven attributes of wisdom:
humility, truthfulness, caring, purity, righteousness, trustworthiness,
and peacemaking (remember the fruit of Spirit, in Galatians?).
This is why I decided to name my blog a "Pillar."

These pillars of wisdom are of monumental importance in our daily Christian walk.
It is my desire that as we all reflect on these pillars, that we will each grow stronger
in our faith and in the knowledge of God. Without these strong pillars as
our foundation, we will not be able to withstand and produced this fruits God
intended for us to posses.
So Let's apply God's wisdom in our daily lives so that in Him we will have victory in
our walk with Him and a fruitful life God created us to be.

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